Thursday, June 19, 2014

Hard & Heavy

Well, damn.

I know I need sleep. Rather, I'd prefer to be asleep. But I feel like I have so much to do. The lamp near my desk makes me feel like I'm in a cave rationing out ideas running through my head so I don't get ahead of myself and...fall. Flat on my face. My stomach hurts because I'm excited- maybe nervous. Hell, I don't know anymore; the only thing that is certain is that it is 2:15 am and I'm still tinkering with designs. Designs that I hope will inspire people to get up and do something- anything- to make their lives better. To motivate people to work their absolute hardest, without remorse, to become the absolute best at what they do.

Hmph. It's funny that I fell for this sport. I, of all people, want to excel and become a good GREAT bodybuilder. I know I have a long way to go; my chest sucks, the delts are puny, and my bicep/tricep proportion is off. But what can I do about it? Just keep going. Stop making the excuse that I have bad genetics. Get past the limits and stop at nothing. (I'll get more into this maybe in another blog)

[Enter Hard & Heavy]
(I don't know if I did that right.) Hard & Heavy is a line of clothing trying to gain some momentum. Focusing on the angry side of success, I try to represent to little voice in everyone's head (or at least some) that says, 'I need to do this.' The voice that doesn't want to hear your bullshit excuses or rationalizations. The voice that says, 'Man the fuck up already and make something of yourself.'

Everyone's got talent; in one way or another, we all can achieve something short of god-like in our lives. But, we have to promise ourselves that we're going to be the best (or at least try) at what we do. Be known specifically for what you do. Gain an entitlement. Make people want to pay you for what you do.

To the kid thinking about going to college- go get a doctorate's.
To the guy who likes drag racing- take on all challengers.
To the powerlifter- break world records.
To the chef- open a restaurant.

Yeah, you'll fail. Over and again. And you'll want to quit. But don't. Don't dare say, "Maybe I'm just not cut-out for this." You are. All that crap is just part of being great. Knowing where you messed up, how to fix it, and how to teach others.

[Click the picture to check it out on Spreadshirt.]

No successful person got it right on the first try. Just put your heart into your work and wait. When that doesn't work... work harder.


ps. check out wall my shirts at:
pps. on that note, check out my TamezTraining shirts at:
ppps. hire me as your online trainer!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Always Finding Excuses

As a personal trainer, I'm used to everyone "not needing" my help- either because they're too embarrassed to ask (most common), lack of funding for a trainer, or just flat out honestly think they know it all. But at the same time, I see way too many people training with bad form, avoiding the important lifts, and- worst of all- walking around the gym completely lost. This can all be avoided by just hiring a personal trainer.

With my online training tools, I can aid clients without them feeling insecure in front of a trainer. Simply insert the numbers in your phone and click done. Easy, right? Nope. Now pricing was an issue. I charge a fairly cheap price for personalized programming and that's the issue. I have to compete with- who offers free training programs to anyone willing to click print. Well, you have to think about something... why is it (ahem)

Yes, free is always better but free means the producer of that product put little to no effort into it. And another thing to think about- ALL THE WORKOUTS ON ANY WEBSITE THAT ARE FREE ARE NOT CATERED TO YOU. People often ignore that fact and think, "Well, it got so and so shredded, it'll do the same for me." As far as free workout programs go: the trainer sat down for 3-4 hours- if that- and made one copy of the workout for upwards of tens of thousands participants, inserted a generic diet plan, and (as some sites do) a supplement list that they highly recommend. [Of course sometimes they'll add optional exercises for special situations]

Enter: TamezTraining. I have a consultation form emailed to clients that covers pretty much everything I need to know to tailor a program to your specific needs. Everything from available equipment to self-motivation levels are taken into consideration when I make programs. I'll be honest, sometimes I pull my hair out making programs. But only because I want the absolute best for my clients (to my ability). Accountability. That's what you're paying for. If the program doesn't work, I take blame. If it does work, you're the one putting the work in. Give it a try. Contact me and see if I fit your needs.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Bad Coaching is KILLING CrossFit

Oh, CrossFit. You try and try to redeem yourself with challenging workout and the CrossFit Games ( which I actually enjoy watching. Your athletes have probably the best endurance in the industry, aside from marathoners, but I'll be honest when I say I probably wouldn't be able to finish a WOD at the local "box" (box is what they call CrossFit gyms). But, when you allow boxes to open with PATHETIC coaches who don't give a rats ass about the body- especially the spine- I can't hardly sympathize. Check out the video:

Call me stupid, but I really don't understand the resting of the bar on the abdominal wall to switch hand grip. Hell, I don't know why the participants are using an over-under grip for a clean & jerk in the first place. And their spine... Jesus Christ somebody needs to help them. I mean: do the 'coaches' in this video not know how to do a simple Google search on clean and jerk technique? You can find at LEAST 20 legitimate videos on YouTube on proper form for this lift.

In my hometown, I had always heard that the local box's membership cost about $120/month. [note: I just did a quick search and found they can go upwards of $200/month] I can reason with that assuming the coach/trainers are there to make sure you don't kill yourself. But if gyms like the one in the video are charging $120- they better be including a visit to a chiropractic.

If CrossFit allows boxes like this one to exist, then crossfitters better expect the jokes.

PS. I am all for exercise. Anything is better than anything. CrossFit is a good way to stay in shape. This blog was aimed towards the REASON CrossFit has such a bad reputation.

Friday, June 6, 2014

IIFYM vs. BroScience

Eat ANYTHING you want- just as long as it fits your prescribed macronutrients- and get ripped. Sounds great, huh? IIFYM isn't anything new to the fitness industry but it seems to have picked up a lot of speed as of late. But still, I stick to the typical "BroScience" clean eating diet of white rice, chicken, and veggies (when I do diet). Why torture myself when I could be eating cheeseburgers to lose bodyfat? Same reason anyone does anything in any particular way- it works for me.

When trying to lose bodyfat, I like having to wake up a little earlier or stay up a little later to cook and prep 5-6 clean meals and a protein shake or two. I like that process. [side note: I'm currently on a broscience bulk diet] It just feels like nowadays the old school clean diet is becoming the CrossFit of nutrition; just because people don't agree with it, they go into a craze preaching 'easier' ways when everyone should just be happy something is getting done.

But, like I said, whatever works for you and whatever you like, is what you should do. I'll leave some links with calculators so you can try out both styles and see what fits for you.