Thursday, June 19, 2014

Hard & Heavy

Well, damn.

I know I need sleep. Rather, I'd prefer to be asleep. But I feel like I have so much to do. The lamp near my desk makes me feel like I'm in a cave rationing out ideas running through my head so I don't get ahead of myself and...fall. Flat on my face. My stomach hurts because I'm excited- maybe nervous. Hell, I don't know anymore; the only thing that is certain is that it is 2:15 am and I'm still tinkering with designs. Designs that I hope will inspire people to get up and do something- anything- to make their lives better. To motivate people to work their absolute hardest, without remorse, to become the absolute best at what they do.

Hmph. It's funny that I fell for this sport. I, of all people, want to excel and become a good GREAT bodybuilder. I know I have a long way to go; my chest sucks, the delts are puny, and my bicep/tricep proportion is off. But what can I do about it? Just keep going. Stop making the excuse that I have bad genetics. Get past the limits and stop at nothing. (I'll get more into this maybe in another blog)

[Enter Hard & Heavy]
(I don't know if I did that right.) Hard & Heavy is a line of clothing trying to gain some momentum. Focusing on the angry side of success, I try to represent to little voice in everyone's head (or at least some) that says, 'I need to do this.' The voice that doesn't want to hear your bullshit excuses or rationalizations. The voice that says, 'Man the fuck up already and make something of yourself.'

Everyone's got talent; in one way or another, we all can achieve something short of god-like in our lives. But, we have to promise ourselves that we're going to be the best (or at least try) at what we do. Be known specifically for what you do. Gain an entitlement. Make people want to pay you for what you do.

To the kid thinking about going to college- go get a doctorate's.
To the guy who likes drag racing- take on all challengers.
To the powerlifter- break world records.
To the chef- open a restaurant.

Yeah, you'll fail. Over and again. And you'll want to quit. But don't. Don't dare say, "Maybe I'm just not cut-out for this." You are. All that crap is just part of being great. Knowing where you messed up, how to fix it, and how to teach others.

[Click the picture to check it out on Spreadshirt.]

No successful person got it right on the first try. Just put your heart into your work and wait. When that doesn't work... work harder.


ps. check out wall my shirts at:
pps. on that note, check out my TamezTraining shirts at:
ppps. hire me as your online trainer!

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